Envision Construction, September 25th 2019


Sandy Goff, Linda Samples, Jeff Starbird, Ruth Dukes, Mayor Rodger Lingerfelt, co-owner: Chris Dabbs, Jacob Chapario, co-owner: Dustin Dabbs, Edmond Santiago, Councilman Tristan Smith, Alex Gonzalez, Josh Dabbs, Carol Hiett, Doris Hobbs, Ina Lloyd

By |2025-02-24T08:22:57-06:00September 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Dec. 5th, Christmas at the Crossroads


Annual Rainsville Christmas Parade
Main Street

The parade will feature the Plainview, Fort Payne & Scottsboro  High School Marching Bands, Huntsville Fire Department Bag Pipes & Drum Band, Singing in Parade will be Fortner 4-Christ, the Partain Family with the Pine Ridge Baptist Choir, lots of floats, vintage autos and SANTA..

For details, parade entry forms and more, visit the event page.

By |2025-02-24T08:22:57-06:00September 17th, 2019|Uncategorized|

All Temp Windows celebrating 5 years of business in Rainsville

Pictured L to R

Nancy Nance, Jon Fossett, Hill White, Mayor Rodger Lingerfelt, Linda Samples, Russ Wilson (owner), Elizabeth Bullock, Luke Strickland, Jeff Starbird (general manager), Rob Wilson (owner), Chief Kevin Smith, Revenue Officer Matt Crum,

Captain Tim Devlin, Tara Wilkerson, Pam Clay, Councilman Marshall Stiefel, Sandy Goff, Ashley Rosson.

By |2025-02-24T08:22:57-06:00September 4th, 2019|Uncategorized|

DeKalb MD Ribbon Cutting, May 29, 2019

Pictured L-R: Sandy Goff, Davy Willingham, Linda Samples, Marla Jones, Megan Guffey, Bejan Taheri, Ashley Williamson, Hays Williamson, Dr. Chad Williamson, Patrick Tatum. Vernessa Steele, Pan Ogle, Teresa Buckles, Doris Hobbs



By |2025-02-24T08:23:14-06:00June 12th, 2019|Uncategorized|

The Local Freeze

The Local Freeze Ribbon Cutting, April 24, 2019

Linda Robertson, Linda Samples, Doris Hobbs, Mary Barrontine, Bejan Taheri, Mandi Cooper, owners: Davy & Pam Willingham, Logan Phillips, Jerry Clifton, Lauren Hall, Caden Mullican, Paulette Johnston, Sandy Goff

By |2025-02-24T08:23:15-06:00April 29th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Liberty National Ribbon Cutting

1st row: Bejan Taheri, Mayor Rodger Lingerfelt, Mike Isom, Dwight Hixon, Victoria Schultz, Amber Obenlander

2nd Row: Kaysie Price, Rhonda Whidbee, Ina Lloyd, Doris Hobbs, Mandi Cooper, Linda Samples, Sandy Goff

By |2025-02-24T08:23:15-06:00April 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|
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