Community information

Rainsville was incorporated in 1956.

Interstate 59 is six miles from Plainview School in Rainsville. Rainsville is located at the crossroads of two important transportation routes: Alabama Highway 35 and Alabama Highway 75. Rainsville’s nickname, “The Crossroads of Sand Mountain,” is derived from this fact.

Facts and demographics

Rainsville is named in honor of Will Rains who opened an eight-by-twelve foot log general store at the crossroads in 1902.

According to Census figures, Rainsville’s population grew about 16% between 1990 and 2000, and about 32% between 1980 and 1990.

Rainsville’s business community features a variety of industry, along with professionals such as healthcare providers and lawyers, and retail stores. Due to a large number of businesses in the healthcare sector, and with four banks and a credit union, Rainsville could easily be considered both a healthcare and a financial hub of Sand Mountain. The industrial sector’s most notable products include church furniture, steel products, cardboard bailers, and plastic parts for Honda mini vans and SUVs. The Rainsville Chamber of Commerce Inc. has about 145 members, and there are over 220 businesses in the city.

Average annual temperature: 57 degrees
Average January temperature: 35.8 degrees
Average July temperature: 75.8 degrees
Average annual precipitation: 42.15 inches
Growing season: early April until late December
Nearest waterway: Tennessee River, approx. 15 miles

Nearest airport: Isbell Field in Fort Payne, approx. 13 miles (commercial airports are less than one and a half hour away in both Huntsville and Chattanooga).

Population – Rainsville city:
2010 2000 1990
4,948 4,499 3,875

Population – DeKalb County:
2010 2000 1990
71,109 64,452 54,651

Source: US Census Bureau, Census 2010, Census 2000, Census 1990


Learn more by viewing this 2009 video entitled “Live, work and grow in Rainsville.” Click the box to start. has over 20 pages of content

The city / community web site has over 20 pages of content including the city’s history, a visitors guide, a relocation guide and more.